In order to get your folders as soon as we can, we strive to process all our orders as quickly as possible.
Orders made before 8am will be shipped from our warehouse the same business day.
Orders made after 8AM will be shipped from our warehouse the next business day.
All of our orders are shipped by our team directly from the Gamemate Sydney warehouse.
We use a mix of Australia Post & Couriers Please as our trusted mailing partners.
Standard shipping can vary from 2 to 7 business days, but in most cases you should allow approximately 5 business days from the purchase date.
Express shipping should usually be 1-2 business days but on occasion can be delayed.
All Gamemate postage orders are supplied with a tracking number to help you keep track or your delivery.
Use the Australia Post delivery calculator to Calculate postage & delivery times for an estimate.
AU Standard Shipping: $9.95 flat rate for all orders
AU Express Shipping: Calculated based on Weight and Distance
Please Note: Free shipping only for orders over $150 worth of products
We use a mix of New Zealand Post & PBT Couriers for all New Zealand international shipping.
- Postage costs are calculated by weight.
- We ship all orders up to a maximum weight of 7kg.
- Delivery times: 5 to 7 business days.
- End-to-end tracking with signature.
- Proof of delivery
- Import charges may apply to your purchase. Find out whether these apply and get an estimate here:
If you have not received your parcel or believe there is an issue with the delivery, please contact our customer service team here within 14 days so that we may assist you in the locating of your order.
Your order also may not have been shipped yet if you have ordered a pre-order product as part of your Gamemate order if it is before the pre-order products release date. For more information on our pre-orders policy please click here.